Tree Surveys
What is a tree survey?
Apart from describing the process of recording trees within a particular site, a tree survey can also refer to both a survey and a specialist report documenting a particular tree-related issue. This may involve identifying the type of quality of trees within a proposed development area or construction site, and making recommendations with clear guidance on how best to ensure that the better-quality trees are protected (referred to as an Arboricultural Impact Assessment). In addition, a building surveyor may request that a report is produced to evaluate potential structural damage issues between trees and a nearby property (often referred to as an Arboricultural Survey). Our specialist surveys focus on providing expert tree-related advice for planning applications and mortgage applications.
Tree survey for planning applications
Godwins provide expert arboricultural advice to assist in the validation of planning applications. We produce specific arboricultural surveys and arboricultural reports for this purpose, which are produced in accordance with BS5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction). Our detailed reports assess tree quality and define Root Protection Areas to ensure that better quality trees are retained and protected within a development site. Our Arboricultural Impact Assessments highlight potential tree conflicts and provide practical solutions that allow projects to be completed without unnecessary delays. In addition, our BS5837 standard surveys highlight and document where and how tree protection measures should be implemented on our detailed Tree Protection Plans. We offer professional help and advice to all including architects, planners, developers and property owners.
Learn more about Tree Surveys for Planning
Tree survey for mortgage approval and homebuyers
We provide tree surveys and reports that evaluate the risk posed by trees to nearby built structures, which are suited to private tree owners applying for mortgages. If a building survey has highlighted a potential tree problem and you are worried about trees causing structural damage, then our arboricultural surveys will give you peace of mind, and provide you with clear information about how trees can be managed to prevent building damage. All our surveys are undertaken by a qualified and insured arboriculturist.